What's the difference between EASM and DRPS?

Cybersecurity Trends

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, staying ahead of potential threats requires a nuanced understanding of various protective technologies.

Two emerging players in this regard are External Attack Surface Management (EASM) and Digital Risk Protection Services (DRPS). Both play pivotal roles in fortifying an organization's defenses against digital threats, yet they operate in distinct spheres. Let's explore their differences, benefits, and considerations for their implementation.

External Attack Surface Management (EASM) involves the proactive identification, monitoring, and mitigation of an organization's digital vulnerabilities that are visible or accessible to potential attackers. It encompasses the entirety of an organization's external-facing assets, including web applications, networks, cloud infrastructure, and online services. EASM solutions aim to shrink the attack surface by continuously assessing and remediating potential entry points for cyber threats.

Digital Risk Protection Services (DRPS), on the other hand, focus on safeguarding an organization's digital footprint, including its intellectual property, brand reputation, and sensitive data. These services employ a range of tools and techniques to detect, analyze, and mitigate risks associated with external threats, such as data leaks, brand impersonation, phishing attempts, and more. DRPS solutions aim to proactively identify and neutralize potential risks that could harm an organization's digital assets or reputation.

External Attack Surface Management

EASM primarily concentrates on the technical aspects of an organization's digital infrastructure, aiming to minimize the attack surface by identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities present in external-facing assets.


  • Vulnerability Identification: Offers a comprehensive view of an organization's external vulnerabilities, aiding in their timely identification.

  • Real-time Monitoring: Provides ongoing monitoring of external assets, enabling rapid response to potential threats.

  • Attack Surface Reduction: Helps in shrinking the attack surface by patching vulnerabilities and reducing exposure to cyber threats.

  • Enhanced Security Posture: Strengthens the organization's cybersecurity posture by actively addressing external risks.


  • Focus on Technical Vulnerabilities: Primarily concentrates on technical aspects, potentially overlooking broader digital risks.

  • Resource Intensive: Continuous monitoring and remediation require dedicated resources and may lead to increased operational costs.

  • Incomplete Coverage: Might not cover all potential attack vectors, leaving some areas vulnerable to exploitation.

  • Dependency on Accuracy: Accuracy in identifying and prioritizing vulnerabilities is crucial; false positives or misjudgments can lead to inefficient resource allocation.

Digital Risk Protection Services

DRPS, meanwhile, takes a broader approach, encompassing not only technical vulnerabilities but also focusing on protecting the overall digital presence, including brand integrity, intellectual property, and sensitive data, by actively monitoring and addressing potential risks posed by external threats.


  • Comprehensive Risk Coverage: Offers a broader scope, safeguarding against various digital threats beyond technical vulnerabilities.

  • Brand Protection: Helps in protecting brand reputation by addressing risks like impersonation, phishing, and brand abuse.

  • Intellectual Property Protection: Guards against unauthorized use or leakage of sensitive data and intellectual property.

  • Adaptive Threat Response: Enables proactive measures against emerging threats, ensuring a more adaptive defense mechanism.


  • Complex Implementation: Integration across diverse systems and data sources can be intricate and time-consuming.

  • Potential Overhead: Introducing strict controls may impact user experience and productivity, leading to resistance from users.

  • Continuous Maintenance: Requires ongoing monitoring and updates to adapt to evolving threat landscapes.

  • Resource Intensiveness: Implementing and maintaining DRPS may demand substantial financial and human resources.

Choosing the Right Solution

When contemplating the implementation of EASM or DRPS, consider the following factors:

1. Risk Assessment: Evaluate the nature and extent of vulnerabilities and potential risks faced by the organization.

2. Scope and Coverage: Determine whether the organization needs a focused approach on technical vulnerabilities (EASM) or a more comprehensive protection strategy (DRPS).

3. Compliance and Regulations: Ensure alignment with industry-specific compliance standards and regulatory requirements.

4. Resource Allocation: Assess the necessary resources, both in terms of technology and human capital, required for implementation and maintenance.

5. Integration Capabilities: Consider how the chosen solution integrates with existing security measures and systems within the organization.


Both EASM and DRPS are pivotal components of a robust cybersecurity strategy. EASM focuses on minimizing technical vulnerabilities, while DRPS takes a more holistic approach, safeguarding an organization's digital assets and reputation from a broader range of threats.

The optimal strategy might involve a combination of both EASM and DRPS elements to ensure comprehensive protection. The good news is that you no longer need to choose between the two. Silent Breach's Quantum Armor integrates the key benefits of both EASM and DRPS into a single comprehensive solution. Quantum Armor not only monitors your application and cloud attack surface for security flaws and misconfigurations, but also provides live intelligence across the exposed, deep and dark webs.

Experience the combined power of EASM and DRPS with Quantum Armor. Contact us today for a demo and let us show you how we can secure your digital future.

About Silent Breach: Silent Breach is an award-winning provider of cyber security services. Our global team provides cutting-edge insights and expertise across the Data Center, Enterprise, SME, Retail, Government, Finance, Education, Automotive, Hospitality, Healthcare and IoT industries.